Montée en puissance de Dubaï dans l'aluminium
DUBAL est un producteur d'aluminium à Dubaï qui représente l'un des plus grosses industrie du pays après le secteur pétrolier. Près de 3700 personnes produisent près de 800 000 tonnes d'aluminium par an dont 300 000 tonnes d'alliages d'aluminium de fonderie (Al Si7Mg, AlSi12) pour des clients japonnais (Honda), américains (GM) européens ou Chinois. La bauxite vient de Guinée à travers une joint venture avec BHP Billiton. DUBAL exporte 95 % de sa production en 2008 vers 44 pays et 280 clients. DUBAL ambitionne être parmi les 5 plus gros producteurs d'aluminium à l'horizon 2015.
Dubal, en croissance sur la scène des producteurs d'aluminuim
3 x Gautschi casting machines 250,000 mtpa
(high purity wheel alloy grade)
2 x Sow casting station 65,000 mtpa (high purity)
5 x Vertical DC casting machines 600,000 mtpa (extrusion billet)
4 x Hertwich continuous homogenisers
9 x Hertwich billet saw/stackers
2 x Continuous horizontal DC, Casters 130,000 mtpa
1 x Properzi caster 110,000 mtpa
5 x Batch type homogenisers
4 x Batch type coolers
Site de l'usine DUBAL (Dubaï)
800 000 tonnes/an se partageant entre :
- Alliage de fonderie (300 000 t/an)
- Alliage haute pureté 65 000 t/an
- Billette d'extrusion (500 000 t/an)
Billettes d'aluminium Dubal
Alliage de fonderie
DUBAL is one of the largest suppliers of foundry alloy for the world's automotive wheel manufacturing industry. Consistency of product quality and high metal purity are of paramount importance, which is why many of the world's finest alloy wheels on the road today are made with aluminium from DUBAL. Various global manufacturers including Honda and General Motors use aluminium originating from DUBAL.
Foundry alloys are supplied in many ingot shapes, sizes, strontium modified and unmodified, and are grouped according to international designations. The alloys produced include: A356.2, ALSi7Mg, ALSi9Mg, ALSi10Mg, ALSi11Mg, ALSiCu, Silafont36
Evolution de la production (2000-2007) d'alliage de fonderie de première fusion
Alliage haute pureté
Pure unalloyed aluminium is supplied in different ingot shapes and sizes, grouped according to minimum aluminium purity (to 2 decimal places). DUBAL is a top producer of high purity aluminium used in the manufacture of compact discs and electronic components. In this highly competitive market, the quality of aluminium used in capacitors and other precision components is often crucial to success. DUBAL's renowned high purity aluminium has purities of up to 99.98 per cent (P0101A).
Partenariat pour l'alumine
With regards to alumina feedstock, to date the company has entered into two strategic partnerships:
A joint venture with Larsen & Toubro in India, for the development of a 3.0 million mtpa alumina refinery with associated bauxite mine and a 250,000 mtpa smelter, all located in Orissa. DUBAL will hold 74% equity in the joint venture. The commencement date of the overall project, originally set for 2009, has been delayed slightly due to bureaucratic issues.
The Guinea Alumina Project, which entails the development of a 3.3 mtpa alumina refinery with associated bauxite mine in the Republic of Guinea. DUBAL has a 25% equity stake in the project as well as a guaranteed offtake of 40% of the annual production. This US$ 3 billion project is a joint venture with BHP Billiton, Mubadala and the original promoters Global Alumina.
Stratégie de Dubal
Additionally, DUBAL is dedicated to doubling its current annual sales volumes by 2010 and committed to achieving the company’s vision to rank among the top five aluminium producers in the world by 2015.
Marché export
More than 92 per cent of DUBAL's total production is exported to global markets - from China to North America. An excellent infrastructure in terms of transportation, port facilities and prompt document processing and clearance, all contribute to a growing international presence. More than 280 customers are served in 44 countries, with key markets including the Far East, Europe, the ASEAN region, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region and North America.
Octobre 2008